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Why Do You Need Surge Protectors for Your HVAC System?

Power Surge protection

Appliances and other electronics are expensive, and you rely on them daily. So, when a power surge fries your AC unit or television, it’s a big deal. That’s where surge protectors come in. A quality surge protector can save you hundreds of dollars in repairs or replacements.

What’s a Surge Protector?

A surge protector is a device used to protect electronic equipment from voltage spikes and transient surges in electricity.

A voltage spike is a sudden increase in the voltage level of an electric current, while a transient surge is a brief increase in the level of electrical power. Both voltage spikes and transient surges can cause damage to electronic equipment, and a surge protector is designed to protect against these events.

Most surge protectors are small devices that can be plugged into an electrical outlet, and they usually have several outlets that can be used to plug in electronic equipment. When a voltage spike or transient surge occurs, the surge protector will divert the excess electricity away from the electronic equipment and into the ground.

Like those electronic devices, your HVAC system is also sensitive to power surges. Surge protectors are often required by building codes for new HVAC installations. HVAC systems are expensive, and a power surge can cause extensive damage.

What are the Causes of Power Surge?

Power surges can happen depending on your type of power grid. If you’re on a public grid, surges are more likely to occur during thunderstorms or when high-powered equipment is turned on or off nearby. If you have your own private generator, surges can still occur but are less likely.

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Causes of power surge can be classified into two groups which are internal and external.

Internal causes are those power surges caused by the HVAC system itself.

These include:

1) Defective or overloaded equipment

If any of the components in your HVAC system are defective, they may cause a power surge. Additionally, if your system is overloaded (e.g., if you’re running too many appliances on the same circuit), this can also lead to a power surge.

2) Overuse of extension cords or adapters

If you’re using too many extension cords or adapters, this can put a strain on your HVAC system and cause a power surge.

3) Improper wiring

A system that is not wired correctly is also more likely to experience a power surge. Ensure all electrical connections are secure and up to code to help avoid this problem.

External causes are those power surges that come from outside the HVAC system, such as:

1) Lightning strikes

When a lightning bolt hits a power line, it can create a powerful surge that travels through the electrical grid and can cause damage or power outages.

2) Accidental contact with energized equipment

If someone accidentally comes into contact with an energized piece of equipment, it can create a sudden surge in voltage. This can be very dangerous and can cause serious injuries.

3) Power line fault

Damaged or faulty power lines can create sudden surges in voltage that can affect appliances and equipment plugged into them. It’s important to have any damage to power lines repaired as soon as possible to avoid this problem.

These are just a few of the possible causes of power surges. While some are more common than others, any of them can cause damage to your HVAC system. That’s why it’s essential to have a surge protector installed.

How Do Power Surges Affect Your System?

If you’re wondering how a power surge can damage your HVAC system, it all depends on the electrical components. When a voltage spike or transient surge occurs, the electrical components in your system are subjected to a sudden increase in voltage.

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This can cause the electrical components to overheat, and this can damage the system or cause it to fail. In some cases, the damage caused by a power surge can be irreparable. You must always consult with a licensed HVAC contractor to determine the extent of the damage and whether or not your system can be repaired.

Here are some things that can happen to your HVAC system as a result of a power surge:

1) Compressor failure

The compressor is the most expensive component in your HVAC system and is most likely to be damaged by a power surge. If the compressor fails, the entire system will need to be replaced. Your system will be out of commission until the replacement is installed, and this can be a costly repair.

2) Electrical fires

In rare cases, a power surge can cause an electrical fire. This is more likely to happen if the system is old or has not been adequately maintained. When an electrical fire occurs, it can cause extensive damage to the system and your home. Your comfort and safety are at risk, and you’ll need to evacuate your home until the fire is extinguished.

3) Control panel damage

The control panel is another expensive component in your HVAC system, and a power surge can damage it. If the control panel is damaged, it will need to be replaced. Some control panels can be repaired, but this will usually require the services of a professional. Even if the control panel can be repaired, it’s still a good idea to have a surge protector in place to prevent future damage.

4) Thermostat damage

The thermostat is a relatively inexpensive, but it’s still essential to your HVAC system. If a power surge damages the thermostat, it will need to be replaced. You may be able to repair the thermostat yourself, but it’s usually best to leave this job to a professional.

5) Motor damage

The motor is another important component in your HVAC system, and it can be damaged by a power surge. If the motor is damaged, it will need to be replaced. It’s best to leave this job to a professional, as it can be difficult to replace a motor yourself.

These are just a few of the ways that a power surge can damage your HVAC system. As you can see, it’s important to have a surge protector in place to protect your investment. You will also want to make sure that your system is covered by a warranty in case of any damage.

Advantages of Having an HVAC Surge Protector

You might be thinking if getting an HVAC surge protector is worth the cost. The answer is yes! Here are some of the benefits of having a surge protector for your system:

1) Protects your investment

Your HVAC system is a major investment, and you want to do everything you can to protect it. A power surge can cause extensive damage to your system, and this can be expensive to repair. By having a surge protector in place, you can avoid costly repairs and ensure that your system is always in working order. Your system will last longer and perform better when it’s properly protected.

2) Saves you money

While the initial cost of an HVAC surge protector may seem high, it’s important to remember that it will save you money in the long run. By protecting your system from damage, you’ll avoid costly repairs and replacement costs. In addition, you’ll be able to keep your system running smoothly for years to come. It’s an investment that will pay for itself over time.

3) Prevents downtime

If your HVAC system is damaged by a power surge, it will need to be repaired or replaced. This can cause significant downtime for your home or business. By having a surge protector in place, you can avoid this downtime and keep your system up and running. You’ll be able to maintain your comfort level and avoid any disruptions to your business.

4) Increases your comfort

Your HVAC system is responsible for keeping your home or business comfortable. If your system is damaged by a power surge, you may not be able to maintain a comfortable environment. By having a surge protector in place, you can ensure that your system is always working properly and that you’re always comfortable.

5) Ensures your safety

A power surge can cause an electrical fire, which can be dangerous. By having a surge protector in place, you can avoid this hazard and keep your family safe. You can never be too careful when it comes to your safety, and a surge protector is one way to ensure that you’re always safe.

Let Integrate Comfort Systems Install Your HVAC Surge Protector

We care about your comfort and safety, and we want to help you protect your investment. That’s why we offer HVAC surge protector installation services. We’ll work with you to find the right surge protector for your system and ensure that it’s properly installed. We’ll also test your system to ensure that it’s working properly and that you’re always safe. Contact us today at 866-749-6331 to learn more about our HVAC surge protector installation services.