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Apartment in Upper East Side NY, Replaced a failed system with a new modern

In the heart of New York City’s Upper East Side, ICS undertook a transformative project to enhance the comfort and efficiency of an apartment. Faced with a failed HVAC system, ICS implemented a modern solution by replacing it with a state-of-the-art thru-wall condenser. This new condenser not only boasts low ambient cooling capabilities but also signifies a leap forward in energy efficiency and performance. Additionally, ICS revamped the zoning system, strategically balancing temperatures in each space to ensure optimal comfort throughout the apartment. This comprehensive upgrade not only resolved the immediate issue but also elevated the living experience for the residents, showcasing ICS’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction in the heart of the city. 

The Problem: An apartment in New York City’s Upper East Side was plagued by a failed HVAC system, leading to discomfort and inconsistent temperatures throughout the space. The lack of proper cooling and zoning contributed to a subpar living environment for the residents.

The Solution: To address the issues, ICS embarked on a comprehensive renovation project. They replaced the failed system with a modern thru-wall condenser capable of low ambient cooling, ensuring efficient and effective temperature regulation even in challenging weather conditions. Additionally, ICS revamped the zoning system, strategically balancing temperatures in each space to eliminate hot and cold spots and enhance overall comfort. This integrated solution not only resolved the immediate HVAC issues but also significantly improved the living experience for the apartment residents on the Upper East Side of New York City.


Following the installation by ICS, the residents of the Upper East Side apartment experienced a multitude of benefits. Firstly, the modern thru-wall condenser and revamped zoning system brought about enhanced comfort throughout the living space. By eliminating hot and cold spots and ensuring consistent temperatures in every room, the residents could enjoy a more pleasant and comfortable environment year-round. Additionally, the implementation of the new condenser’s low ambient cooling capability and optimized zoning system led to improved energy efficiency. This resulted in reduced energy consumption and subsequently lower utility bills, providing the residents with long-term cost savings. Moreover, the replacement of the failed system with a modern condenser enhanced reliability, minimizing the risk of future breakdowns and maintenance issues. Furthermore, the upgraded HVAC system contributed to better indoor air quality through improved air circulation and filtration, promoting a healthier living environment for the residents. Overall, the installation of the new condenser and revamped zoning system significantly enhanced the quality of life for the residents, offering them a more comfortable, efficient, and enjoyable living experience in the heart of New York City’s Upper East Side.